Thursday, February 19, 2015

February 18.....

Sometimes you run into an ex on a routine pms snack run.... and you feel beer is totally validated. 

February 16: adventures in charcoal

Happy President's Day - to celebrate,  I thought I'd bust out the charcoal and try my hand at some pug art

February 14: happy Valentine's day

Sometimes I forget how much my friends and family care about me.  I need to stop taking that for granted! 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

February 10..... ladies night

So it was ladies night at our house tonight (as in,  the roommate's hubs is out of town) (also,  Doug was there.... ) so what did we do on this fine Tuesday night?  Paint our nails girly pink for upcoming Valentine's Day,  drink red wine/hard cider, watch Bravo and talk about how we wish her hubby was around to bring us brownies haha it was delightful,  just the way Tuesday nights used to be when it was just us girls. Not that I don't love having Mr. Roommate around - I couldn't ask for a better dude around the house!  On a totally related note,  I am so blessed that all my besties have wonderful,  easy going,  entertaining,  interesting man friends in their life.  I was planning to use this post as an outlet to lament my single-ness when all (ALL) my close friends are un-single, but instead I'm going to say thank you to my friends and their significant others for still being awesome people and friends regardless of how our lives change and morph into grown -upness. You couldn't have picked a better crop of dudes!  I love you all and the people you love.  Happy Valentine's week (also,  Happy extraterrestrial visitor day. ... coincidence?  I think not. ...)

Monday, February 9, 2015

February 9: ya filthy animals!

Look at these wild and crazy dogs!  They are so *cute* playing with their bones :)

Saturday, February 7, 2015

February 1: really??

Regardless of your opinion on the issue,  is this really appropriate?  No,  it's not.  It will either elicit an ignorant person's Git'r' done ( or an angry liberal person's rant on women's reproductive issues or,  more likely,  the person that is reading that knows (or is) someone who has struggled with an unplanned pregnancy destroying life as they know it and they get slightly sad and self reflective for a moment before getting angry at the tool who made you go through this painful moment unnecessarily while on their way to work or to get groceries.  If the owner of this truck happens to be reading this, consider this my angry double middle finger salute for ruining so many people's afternoons.   A lesson to my readers,  don't put bumper stickers with dead babies on your car.  Just don't.
End rant.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

February 5: the end to my winter doldrums!

Mid January. .. captured pug, sunrise

Well,  We caught a pug without even trying!  Mr.  Nosy here had to see what the ice fishing bucket was all about at 10 on a Sunday night.  And he just happened to hook himself to a fly (a 3 prong,  barbed fly) that just happened to still be connected to a fishing pole... a  $200 trip to doggy ER later. ....