Thursday, October 30, 2014

Before Daylight Savings Time

It's pretty dark considering it's only dinner time. Daylight Savings Time is almost upon us, but until then I'll revel in the spooky Halloween darkness that chills you to the bone...

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tuesday's photo: Cha cha cha

Photo journalism often documents projects add they are created- this is my Halloween costume in progress.  I hope to be a pinata. If my mom can help me get the tricky bust area of this dress all crepe-papered up, you'll be seeing more pictures come Friday! :-) Wish me luck!

Monday, October 27, 2014

A photo a day...

Here's my new plan... 365 photos in 1 year.  One for everyday regardless of what I'm doing (or not doing).  I was inspired by a friend's Facebook post that "challenged" someone to post one black and white photo a day for 5 days.  I thought to myself, black and white only? That's boring- color is so much fun!  Then I thought about what the point of the challenge was- by making photos black and white, it caused the photographer to pause, think about the subject and it's meaning while they converted from color to b&w and in five days, not a lot may happen to one person that they may think of as "significant", but isn't the mundane just as significant as the events when you think about it? So here begins a daily photo journey.